Beogram 3000 Components
Beolover spare parts for Beogram 3000.
Beogram 4000 Components
Beolover spare parts for Beogram 4000.
Beogram 4002 Components (Type 550x)
These parts work with AC-motor Beogram 4002.
Beogram 4002 Components (Type 551x/552x)
These parts work with DC-motor Beogram 4002
Beogram 4004 Components
These parts work with Beogram 4004.
Beogram 8000 and 8002 Components
These parts work with Beogram 8000 and 8002.
Beogram Platter Motors
Most vintage Beograms have platter motors with RPM stability issues. Re-infusion of...
CleanerVinyl Easy6 Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
CleanerVinyl Easy6 fits on most 6 liter ultrasonic cleaners. Cleans up to...
CleanerVinyl EasyOne Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
CleanerVinyl EasyOne fits on most 6 liter ultrasonic cleaners. Cleans one or...
CleanerVinyl Micron Water Filtration Systems
Micron water filtration systems keep the water clean for many batches of...
CleanerVinyl Pro Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
CleanerVinyl Pro fits on most 6 liter ultrasonic cleaners. Cleans up to...
CleanerVinyl ProXL Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
CleanerVinyl ProXL fits on most 15 liter ultrasonic cleaners. Cleans up to...
CleanerVinyl Ultrasonic Record Cleaning
Our selection of CleanerVinyl ultrasonic record cleaners. Clean up to 25 records....
Commander Remote Control Systems for Beograms
These remote control kits allow controlling Beogram 4002 and 4004 remotely. The...
Electronic B&O Components
Vintage B&O circuits have many problem areas where components need to be...
Featured Products
Parts and upgrades for vintage Bang & Olufsen Hifi at the Beolover...
High-Frequency Ultrasonic Cleaners for Vinyl Record Cleaning
High-Frequency ultrasonics generate more but smaller cavitation bubbles. This results in a...
Internal RIAA Pre-Amplifiers for Beograms
These RIAA pre-amplifiers can be installed internally in Beograms. They enable connecting...
LED Replacements for Incandescent Bulbs in Beograms
LED replacement assemblies replace incandescent bulbs in a plug and play fashion....
Multi-Frequency Ultrasonic Cleaners for Vinyl Record Cleaning
Multi-Frequency ultrasonics allow designing cleaning protocols depending on the type and amount...
New Wood Frames for Beogram 4000, 4002, 4004, and 6000
New CNC machined solid wood frames for Beogram 4000, 4002, 4004 and...
Relay Replacements for Beogram 4000, 4002, and 4004
Drop-in relay replacements for original Siemens and National relays in Beogram 4000,...
Reservoir and Motor Capacitors for B&O Restorations
In most vintage B&O equipment the reservoir and motor capacitors need to...
Restored B&O for Sale
These B&O units were restored to like-new performance by the Beolover. All...
Structural B&O Components
Vintage B&O often suffers from degrading plastic parts and other structural components....
Ultrasonic Cleaners for Vinyl Record Cleaning
Proven choices of ultrasonic cleaners for vinyl record cleaning. All ultrasonics we...